Workshop on Curriculam Development for AFSP III


A workshop was arranged by Aggrivultuaral and Food security project (AFSP) in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Phase II on curriculam Development for Phase III.

A day long activites was run in Conference Room of ASHIKA,Rangamati.The Govt. & Non-Govt Officials,Social leader,Field worker and many other participants of several discipline were present there.

Many tropics were come out from the workshop to include in the new curriculum special food safety.The room adviced to add tropics about antibitic use and miss use in agricultural product,production of organic food and many other health related issues need to be included in the future curriculum.

At last all participants agreed to made an updated eco-friendly curriculum for AFSP III.

Dr.Suchayan Chowdhury
Upazila Livetock officer (inchr)
Rangmati sadar,   Rangamti


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