Planning for Farmer to confront Disaster for Animal
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Disaster causes death and sufferings of thousands Animals. Draft, Cyclone, Earthquakes, landslides, floods affect thousands of animals.
It also causes a huge amount of Economic losses. Developing country such as Bangladesh, this condition is more dangerous.
The event may occur unexpectedly. At first you should determine what type of disaster could occur on the farm and how often.
Now, Flood is most dangerous and Cyclone in summer season and Flood in Rainy Season. Now, let us discuss about our duty to save animal in this unfavorable seasons.`
 Farm roof fortification
II. Redirecting flood water:
Redirecting the impact away from a vulnerable location by the digging of water channels or planting vegetation to absorb water,
III. Build barrier Surrounding the water source:
the establishment of setback regulations so building is not allowed close to the waterâs edge, and the building of levees or permanent barriers to control flooding.
IV. Farm Repair:
Barns and buildings can be built or repaired. The farm should be built on higher ground or move to higher ground.
V. take away toxic Chemicals:
Many farms contain burial sites contaminated with lead based mostly paints, machinery grease, motor oil, lead lined tanks, batteries, roofing nails, asphalt, shingles, caulking compounds, linoleum, and plumbing lead. Throughoutflooding this material mightleech into the crops or feed offeror be captive to a a lot of accessible space wherever animals mightconsume them.
VI. Acquire vital suppliers:
Suppliers which will be required throughout or oncethe disaster ought to be obtained. Several of those things might not be procurable once the disaster. Also, by getting those before a lot of affordable costs are going to bepaid.
VII. Emergency telephone numberCollection:
A list of resources and other peopleought to be developed by the farmer and unbroken with vital papers. This list ought to contain emergency phone numbers, suppliers, truckers, and other people which will facilitate with the animals particularly if traditional operating conditions arediscontinuous .
VIII. Animal vaccination:
Animals ought to be unbroken current on all acceptable vaccinations and booster shots before the disaster. Keep a recordof the merchandise given and therefore the date of injection. the strain of the event and therefore the disruption of the atmosphere might cause a risein communicable disease unfold. Correct vaccination mightdefend the animals.
IX. Evacuation
If evacuation of the animals is being thought of (which might not be practical) to avoid the hazard then evacuation procedures, places, and routes ought to be planned. Since all animals might not be able to be exhausted, homeownersought to decide sooner than time that is that the most significant ones to save lots of. These animals ought to be known sooner than time. This dataare going to be helpful to resolve arguments of possession just in case the animal gets loose. Restraint instrumentality, food and water provides ought to be accessibleto use and move with the animals.
X. Shelter:
Whether to maneuver domestic animals to shelter or leave them outside can depend upon the integrity and site of the shelter being employed and therefore the variety of disaster. If area is accessible the animals unbroken within otherwise they allowed to travel outside. Farm cats and dogs ought to either be placed in a very disaster proof place or turned loose, as they often can keep near their aim the immediate amount following a disaster.
XI. Human evacuation
What is through with the animals if there’s a necessityto evacuate the premises, and therefore the animals got to be left unattended? Thereâs invariably the danger that animals left unattended for extended periods might die or suffer injury. Sometimes, this might be the sole choice to defendhuman life. Regardless, once the animalsâ are secured in acceptable shelters food and water ought to be left for them, that they will acquireon their own. the numbernecessary for survival is significantlybut for different functions. If the animals survive, then the choiceis created once the disaster whether or not it’s definitely worth the time and expense to bring them back to their previous condition
This type of coming up withbefore disaster might save the animals from danger. The country cansave from severe economic loss.
Thank You
Dr.Suchayan Chowdhury
Veterinary Surgeon
Upazila livestock office,
Rangmati Sadar
2. AWIC newsletter, Oct.-Dec. 1993, Vol. 4, No. 4